Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Life is a River...

Today I sat down with Gilma to have our usual afternoon snack break and had a particularly interesting conversation. With my impending departure so near, I have been waxing nostalgic in every interaction with my friends here; today was no exception. When describing how I feel somewhat anxious that I do not have and definite plans after September, she lightly scolded me.

"Alina," Gilma said. "Life is like an inter tube ride down a river. You get in at the beginning, put your head back and relax looking up at the sky. Once in a while you hit some turbulent areas where you get swirled around among the rocks, but you just have to hang on. Paddling does not help; your path and destation are already pre-determined. When you make it through, you will have learned how to better navigate and enjoy the calm stretches. Don't fight the current, let it take you wherever you are meant to go."

Imagining my bottom stuck into a black rubber inter tube and floating through life isn't the most comfortable of visuals, but her analogy certainly was comforting. So instead of attempting to beach myself on the shore until the rainy season ends and the water ebbs, I will ride out the present turbulence, enjoying every moment as it passes. Gilma knows best.